“Storytelling has always been a significant cultural and social activity. The more we connect with a story, the more we can remember it and share it with others. I wouldn’t call myself a startup storytelling expert, but as a former journalist turned into a PR specialist, I’ve seen the power of storytelling as a tool to shape how a brand is perceived by different audiences – customers, employees, investors,” Bianca Dorobanțu, PR and Communications Specialist working with startups and technology companies, points outs.
Startup storytelling, a.k.a creating a narrative around a product or service, is an important tool for many reasons. For starters, it makes the startup stand out from the competition, be noticed by potential customers, connect with them on an emotional level and attract investors.
Ultimately, telling stories is also a powerful tool for attracting and retaining talent and making existing employees feel part of a greater mission. “Stories create authentic connections and inspire others,” Bianca says.
Hearing and telling the stories of many regional startups, I recognized one recurring narrative – CEE founders do not recognize the anchoring importance of nailing their product positioning, creating a strong brand, and tailoring their product messaging. To delve deeper into this hunch, I reached out to the startup storytelling experts Bianca Dorobanțu and Adriana Spulber, Head of Communications of Underline Ventures, a €20M fund for early-stage Eastern European startups.